InS_StArT DC21040.COM 1.0 ^Digital Equipment Corporation EB40,DC21040.COM,0E0 ^Digital Equipment Corporation DE425,DC21040.COM,0E0 ?This driver supports both EISA and PCI machines $O0E0(NODE ADDRESS)Optional Node Address 0 FFFFFFFFFFFF *O0E0(FRAME)Media Frame Type(s) ?NOTE: Ethernet_802.2 is now the default frame type for ODI Drivers. @Ethernet_802.2 Ethernet_802.3 Ethernet_II Ethernet_SNAP !O0E0()Media Access Type ?NOTE: Media access type will be autodetected on driver's load TP TP_NO_LINK_TEST TP_FULL_DUPLEX AUI BNC @AUTODETECT InS_EnD