Freedom for Tibet


Publications by years: 2022, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2009, 2008, 2006, 2005, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1999, 1998, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1992, 1990

Participation in symposia and conferences: Oral presentations, Poster presentation, Invited seminars and talks

Publications by years

  • 2022
  • 2019
  • 2018
  • 2017
    • Omidvar V, Mohorianu I, Dalmay T, Zheng Y, Fei Z, Pucci A, Mazzucato, Vecerová V, Sedlárova M, Fellner M - Transcriptomic analysis of anther development in 7B-1 male-sterile tomato mutant - PlosONE 12: e0170715 (2017)
  • 2015
    • Omidvar V, Mohorianu I, Dalmay T, Fellner M - Identification of miRNAs with potential roles in regulation of anther development and male-sterility in 7B-1 male-sterile tomato mutant. - BMC Genomics 16: 878- 893 (2015)
    • Omidvar V, Mohorianu I, Dalmay T, Fellner M - miRNA regulation of abiotic stress-response in 7B-1 male-sterile tomato mutant. - Plant Genome 8: 1-13 (2015)
    • Humplík JF, Turečková V, Fellner M, Bergougnoux V - Spatio-temporal changes in the endogenous abscisic acid content during etiolated growth and photomorphogenesis in tomato seedlings (Solanum lycopersicum L.) - Plant Signaling & Behavior 10: 8, e1039213 (2015)
    • Omidvar V, Fellner M - DNA methylation and transcriptomic changes in response to different lights and stresses in 7B-1 male-sterile tomato. - PlosONE (2015) 10(4): e0121864
    • Humplík JF, Bergougnoux V, Jandová M, Šimura J, Pěnčík A, Tomanec O, Rolčík J, Novák O, Fellner M - Endogenous abscisic acid promotes hypocotyl growth and affects endoreduplication during dark-induced growth in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). - PlosONE (2015) 10(2): e0117793
  • 2014
    • Jurišič-Knežev D, Bergougnoux V, Milde D, Fellner M - AUXIN BINDING PROTEIN 4 is involved in the Ca2+/auxin-regulated expression of ZCAX3 gene in maize (Zea mays L.). - Botany/Botanique 92: 332-339 (2014)
  • 2013
  • 2012
    • Čudejková M, Řehulka J, Pěnčík A, Bergougnoux V, Fellner M - Selection of the maize hybrid tolerant to a high dense planting altered cross-talk between blue light and auxin signaling pathways. Current Topics in Plant Biology 13: 21-34 (2012)
    • Bergougnoux V, Zalabák D, Jandová M, Novák O, Wiese-Klinkenberg A, Fellner M - Effect of blue light on endogenous isopentenyladenine and endoreduplication during photomorphogenesis and de-etiolation of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) seedlings. PlosONE 7 (9): e45255 (2012)
    • Jurišič-Knežev D, Čudejková M, Zalabák D, Hlobilová M, Rolčík J, Pěnčík A, Bergougnoux V, Fellner M - Maize AUXIN-BINDING PROTEIN 1 and AUXIN-BINDING PROTEIN 4 impact on leaf growth, elongation, and seedling responsiveness to auxin and light. Botany/Botanique 90: 990-1006 (2012)
    • Bořucká J, Fellner M - Auxin binding proteins ABP1 and ABP4 are involved in the light- and auxin-induced down-regulation of phytochrome gene PHYB in maize (Zea mays L.) mesocotyl. Plant Growth Regulation 68: 503-509 (2012)
    • Ježilová E, Bergougnoux V, Fellner M, Špundová M - Is the rate of photosynthesis altered in the 7B-1 tomato mutant? Photosynthetica 50: 477-480 (2012)
    • Piterková J, Luhová L, Hofman J, Turečková V, Novák O, Petřivalský M, Fellner M - Nitric oxide is involved in light-specific responses of tomato during germination under normal and osmotic stress conditions. Annals of Botany 110: 767-776 (2012)
    • Stočes Š, Karlická M, Fellner M - Boron and blue light reduce responsiveness of Arabidopsis hypocotyls to exogenous auxins. Plant Growth Regulation 66: 293-301 (2012)
  • 2011
  • 2009
  • 2008
  • 2006
    • Fellner M, Ford ED, Van Volkenburgh E - Development of erect leaves in a modern maize hybrid is associated with reduced responsiveness to auxin and light of young seedlings in vitro - Plant Signaling and Behavior 1: 201-211, (2006)
  • 2005
    • Fellner M, Franklin JA, Reid DM, Sawhney VK - Increased sensitivity to, and reduced production of, ethylene in an ABA-overproducing tomato mutant - Acta Biologica Cracoviensia, Series Botanica 47: 205-212, (2005)
    • Van Volkenburgh E, Fellner M, E. David Ford - Physiological basis for adaptation to dense in modern corn hybrids - In. Baluška F, Mancuso S (eds.) Proceedings of The First Symposium on Plant Neurobiology, Italy, Florence May 17-20, (2005)
  • 2003
    • Fellner M - Recent progress in brassinosteroid research: hormone perception and signal transduction. In: Hayat S, Ahmad A (Eds.) Brassinosteroids: Bioactivity and Crop Productivity. Kluwer - Academic Publishers, Netherlands, pp. 69-86, (2003)
    • Fellner M, Horton LA, Cocke AE, Stephens NR, Ford ED, Van Volkenburgh E - Light interacts with auxin during leaf elongation and leaf angle development in young corn seedlings - Planta 216: 366-376, (2003)
  • 2002
    • Fellner M, Sawhney VK - The 7B-1 mutant in tomato shows blue light specific resistance to osmotic stress and abscisic acid - Planta 214: 675-682, (2002)
  • 2001
    • Fellner M, Cocke A, Horton L, Ford ED, Cohen JD, Van Volkenburgh E - Possible involvement of light and auxin in plant-plant interaction - Developmental Biology 235: 271, (2001)
    • Fellner M, Zhang R, Pharis RP, Sawhney VK - Reduced de-etiolation of hypocotyl growth in a tomato mutant is associated with hypersensitivity to, and high endogenous levels of, abscisic acid - Journal of Experimental Botany 52: 725-738, (2001)
    • Fellner M, Sawhney VK - Seed germination in a tomato male sterile mutant is resistant to osmotic, salt and low temperature stresses - Theoretical and Applied Genetics 102: 215-221, (2001)
  • 1999
    • Fellner M - Research on mechanisms of auxin action: isolation and characterization of auxin-related mutants - In: Strnad M, Pec P, Beck E (Ed.) Advances in Regulation of Plant Growth and Development, Peres Company, Prague, pp. 139-156, (1999)
    • Ephritikhine G, Fellner M, Vannini C, Lapous D, Barbier-Brygoo H - The sax1 dwarf mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana shows altered sensitivity of growth responses to abscisic acid, auxin, gibberellins and ethylene and is partially rescued by exogenous brassinosteroid - Plant Journal 18: 303-314, (1999)
  • 1998
  • 1996
    • Fellner M, Ephritikhine G, Barbier-Brygoo H, Guern J - An antibody raised to a maize auxin-binding protein has inhibitory effects on cell division of tobacco mesophyll protoplasts - Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 34: 133-138, (1996)
    • Fellner M, Kneifel W, Gregorits D, Leonhardt W - Identification and antibiotic sensitivity of contaminants from callus cultures of garlic Allium sativum L. and Allium longicuspis Regel - Plant Science 113: 193-201, (1996)
  • 1995
  • 1994
  • 1992
  • 1990

Other publication activities

  • Kozáková T (2018) Interakce modrého světla a hormonu auxinu v růstu rostlin. Živa 4: 165-166.
  • Fellner M (2009) From a corn field to molecular physiology and genetics. Folia Mendeliana (Suplementum as Acta Musei Moravice) 44-45: 67
  • Fellner M (1998) Gibberellic acid suppresses production of vegetative topsets and promotes development of flowers in vitro in garlic (Allium sativum) inflorescences. Allium Improvement Newsletter 8.
  • Fellner M (1997) Search for selection screens of auxin-response mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genetic and physiological characterization of the first isolated mutants. Ph.D. thesis, Universite de Paris-Sud XI, Orsay, France.
  • Fellner M (1995) Antibiotic improves protoplast culture of wild garlic. Agricell Report - A Plant Tissue Culture Newsletter (USA) 25: 36.
  • Fellner M (1993) Problem of garlic protoplast cultures - literature review, speculations and hypothesis. IAPTC Newsletter 71: 4-13.
  • Fellner M, Havranek P (1993) Isolation of Allium pollen protoplasts. Rice Biotechnology Quarterly (USA) 13: 38.
  • Fellner M (1991) Isolation and culture of Allium plant protoplasts - literature review. Complementary study essay, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (in Czech).
  • Bicik V, Laska P, Rysava I, Fellner M (1988) Yellow and green sticky trap attractiveness for glasshouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Homoptera, Aleyrodidae). Acta Universitatis Palackianae Facultas Rerum Naturalium biologica XXVIII 93: 121-130.
  • Fellner M (1986) Study of insect reaction to various parts of electromagnetic radiation - application in agriculture. Extended essay, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic (in Czech).

Invited seminars and talks

  • Od huseníčku rolního k Alzheimerově chorobě. - Badatelský víkendový seminář, UP Olomouc, Javoříčko, Česká republika 21. – 23. října, 2022
  • Světlo – regulátor reakcí rostlin k abiotickým stresum. - Mendelova Univerzita v Brně, Agronomická fakulta, Česká republika, 1. listopadu, 2018
  • Světlo – regulátor reakcí rostlin k abiotickým stresum. - Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Česká republika, 8. prosince, 2015
  • Úloha světla v reakcích rostlin k abiotickým stresum. - 14. Konference Experimentální Biologie Rostlin, MZLU, Brno, Česká republika, 8.-11. září, 2015
  • Research on tomato and maize in different countries: Role of light in plant growth. - University of Saskatechewan, Saskatoon, Canada, July 5, 2013
  • Plants - a way of understanding the mechanisms of human diseases - Plant Communication & Behaviour, Seggiano, Italy, November 9, 2012
  • Úloha světla a sětelných signálních drah v reakcích rostlin k abiotickým stresum - Mendelova zemědělská a lesnická univerzita v Brni, Agronomická fakulta, Česká republika, 3.4. 2012
  • COP1 - buněčný strážce, Mendel Forum 2010 - Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Česká republika, 19.-20. října 2010
  • Interaction of hormones and light signaling in plant elongation growth. Regulation of Plant Growth – from Cells to Organs to Organisms - Potsdam, Germany, April 12-14, 2010
  • Z kukuřičného pole k molekulární fyziologii a genetice, Mendel Forum 2009 - Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita Brno, Česká republika, 20.-21. října 2009
  • Mechanisms of auxin action, 13th School of Pure and Applied Biophysics - Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ad Arti, Venice, Italy, January 26-30, 2009
  • Role of ion and water channels in blue light-specific tolerance of seed germination to osmotic stress - Putative function of 7B-1 - 25th Annual Missouri Plant Biology Symposium-International Plant Photobiology Meeting University of Missouri, Columbia, USA, May 28 - June 1, 2008
  • Role of vacuolar cation exchangers in leaf development - University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany, November 23-24, 2006
  • A role of blue light in plant tolerance to abiotic stress. Other projects of my group - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Institut des Sciences du Végétal, Gif sur Yvette, France, November 8, 2005
  • A Role of Blue Light in Plant Tolerance to Osmotic Stress. The Blue Light Syndrome IV – International Meeting on UV/Blue Light: Perception and Responses in Plants and Microorganisms (cancelled, not presented) - Yokohama City University, Kihara Institute for Biological Research, Okazaki, Japan, December 17, 2002
  • Mechanism of shade tolerance in modern corn hybrids. Plant Photobiology – 19th Annual Missouri Symposium - University of Missouri, Columbia, USA, June 1, 2001
  • 7B-1 mutant in tomato: possible interaction of ABA with abiotic stress and light signaling - University of Washington, Department of Botany, Seattle, USA, October 22, 1999
  • 7B-1 mutant in tomato: possible interaction of ABA with abiotic stress and light signaling - University of Saskatchewan, Department of Biology, Saskatoon, Canada, October 14, 1999
  • Search for selection screens of auxin-response mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana: first genetic and physiological characterization of the mutant sax - University of Saskatchewan, Department of Biology, Saskatoon, Canada, October 23, 1997

Participation in symposia and conferences

Oral presentations (by person indicated with * )

  • Šimek D*,Fellner M (2024) Molecular mechanisms of interaction of light signaling pathways and aquaporins in plant tolerance to abiotic stresses. CBPRS 2024 International Conference. May 26-28, 2024, Kněždub, Czech Republic
  • Bublavá P*, Fellner M (2024) Crosstalk between light and ABA signaling pathways in plant responses to abiotic stresses. CBPRS 2024 International Conference. May 26-28, 2024, Kněždub, Czech Republic
  • Závorková N*, Fellner M (2024) Understanding drought response: ABA and PHOT signaling pathways in plant physiology. CBPRS 2024 International Conference. May 26-28, 2024, Kněždub, Czech Republic
  • Závorková N* and Fellner M (2023) How Phototropins influence drought stress responses in Arabidopsis thaliana? Methods in Plant Sciences, September 24-27, 2023, Srní, Czech Republic.
  • Závorková N* (2023) How blue light influences drought stress response in Arabidopsis thaliana? CBPRS 2023 International Conference. May 21-23, 2023, Velké Losiny, hotel Diana, Czech Republic.
  • Bublavá P* (2022) Crosstalk between light and ABA signaling pathways in plant responses to abiotic stresses. CBPRS 2022 International Conference. May 15-17, 2022, Lísek, hotel Skalský Dvůr, Czech Republic.
  • Závorková N* (2022) Involvement of light signaling in drought stress. CBPRS 2022 International Conference. May 15-17, 2022, Lísek, hotel Skalský Dvůr, Czech Republic.
  • Batcho AA (2021) Blue lightsignalingand its role in plant tolerance to abiotic stress. CBPRS 2021 International Conference, September 12-14, 2021, Malenovice, Czech Republic.
  • Batcho AA (2021) Identification andcharacterization of photoreceptor gene family in tomato and expression under abiotic stress. 16th Student Days of Plant Biology CS 2021, September 7-8, 2021, Praha, Czech Republic (online).
  • Fellner M* (2018) Role of Blue Light Receptors in Tolerance of Seed Germination to Salt and Osmotic Stress. VISCEA,Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance V, July 5-6, 2018, Vienna, Austria.
  • Sawhney WK*, Sheoran I, Omidvar V, Fellner M, Pucci A, Mazzucato A (2018) A photoperiod-sensitive male-sterile mutant in tomato: Physiological, developmental, genetic, and molecular mechanisms, and its use in hybrid seed industry. XIX Eucarpia Meeting of the Tomato Working Group, May 2-4, 2018, Naples, Italy.
  • Pokorná P* (2017) Cross-talk between blue light and ABA signalling during seed germination. Chemistry and Biology of Phytohormones and related substances 2017, May 21-23, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic.
  • Montagová H, Žukauskaité A, Fellner M, Doležal K, Strnad M (2017) Synthesis and biological activity of new abscisic acid derivatives. Chemistry and Biology of Phytohormones and related substances 2017, May 21-23, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic.
  • Pokorná P* (2016) Cros-talk between blue light and ABA signaling in plant responses to abiotic stress. Growth regulators on the way 2016, March 3-5, 2016, Malá Morávka, Czech Republic.
  • Balarynová J*, Lenobel R, Fellner M (2016) Effect of blue light and osmotic stress on dehydrin expression in tomato 7B-1 mutant. Growth regulators on the way 2016, March 3-5, 2016, Malá Morávka, Czech Republic.
  • Montagová H*, Žukauskaité A, Fellner M, Doležal K, Strnad M (2016) Synthesis and biological aktivity of abscisic acid analogs. Growthregulators on the way 2016, March 3-5, 2016, Malá Morávka, Czech Republic.
  • Humplík JF*, Bergougnoux V, Fellner M (2015)Endogenous abscisic acid promotes growth of etiolated hypocotyl (skotomorphogenesis) in tomato seedlings. 14. Konference Experimentální Biologie Rostlin, MZLU, 8.-11. září, Brno, Česká republika.
  • Fellner M* (2015) Research projects of the Group of molecular physiology. Biotechnology of Phytohormones and Natural Substances 2015, March 1-3, 2015, Velké Karlovice, Czech Republic
  • Bořucká J*, Svoboda Z, Nováková S, Fellner M (2014) The role of light and cell wall regulators in boron transport in Arabidopsis thaliana. 12th Ph.D. Student Conference of Plant Experimental Biology, September 4-5, 2014, Olomouc, Czech Republic, p. 40
  • Balarynová J*, Fellner M (2014) Resistance of tomato 7B-1 mutant to osmotic stress. 12th Ph.D. Student Conference of Plant Experimental Biology, September 4-5, 2014, Olomouc, Czech Republic, p. 41
  • Ježilová E*, Bergougnoux V, Fellner M, Špundová M (2012) Stomatal opening under blue light and growth parameters of tomato mutant 7B-1. 10th International Ph.D. student Conference on Experimental plant Biology, September 3-5, 2012, Brno, Czech Republic, presentation no. 23
  • Fellner M* (2012) Plants – a way of understanding the mechanismsof human diseases. Plant Communication & Behaviour, November 9, Seggiano, Italy.
  • Fellner M* (2012) Arabidopsis – cesta k poznání mechanizmu lidských onemocnění. Od fyziologie k medicíně, Přírodovědecká fakulta UP v Olomouci, 31.května, Olomouc, Česká republika.
  • Fellner M* (2010) COP1 - buněčný strážce. Mendel Forum 2010, 19.-20. Října, Olomouc, Česká republika.
  • Fellner M*, Čudejková M, Jurišia-Knežev D, Plotzová R, Bořucká J, Vaclová T, Hlobilová M, Bergougnoux V, Novák O, Pěnčík A, Rolčík J (2010) Interaction of hormones and light signaling in plant elongation growth. Regulation of Plant Growth – from Cells to Organs to Organisms, April 12-14, Potsdam, Germany.
  • Fellner M* (2009) Z kukuřičného pole k molekulární fyziologii a genetice. Mendel Forum 2009, 20.-21. Října, Brno, Česká republika.
  • Bergougnoux V*, Hlaváčková V, Plotzová R, Novák O, Fellner M (2009) The 7B-1 mutation in tomato confers a blue light-specific lower sensitivity to coronatine, 5th International Symposium on Plant Neurobiology, May 25-29, Florence, Italy.
  • Fellner M* (2009) Mechanisms of auxin action. 13th School of Pure and Applied Biophysics, January 26-30, 2009, Venice, Italy.
  • Svoboda Z*, Kocábek T*, Fellner M (2008) Defects in light receptors and cell wall synthesis affect boron-regulated growth of Arabidopsis seedlings. Študentská vedecká konferencia 2008, 23. 4., Bratislava, Slovenská republika, str. 284-286.
  • Čudejková M*, Pěnčík A, Rolčík J, Fellner M (2008) Úloha svetla a ABP proteínov pri regulácii vývinu listov klíeencov kukurice (Zea mays L.). Študentská vedecká konferencia 2008, 23. 4., Bratislava, Slovenská republika, str. 72-74.
  • Piterková J*, Luhová L, Petřivalský M, Hofman J, Fellner M (2008) The role of nitric oxide in defence mechanisms of tomato during osmotic and salinity stress. XII. Pracovní setkání biochemiku a molekulárních biologu. 6.-7. 2., MU Brno, Česká republika.
  • Fellnerová I*, Kincl L, Matalová E, Fellner M, Rolčík J (2006) Uplatnění multimediálních programu ve výuce biologie. STM - Morava, 14.-15. prosince, 2006, RCO, Olomouc, Česká republika.
  • Fellner M* (2006) Role of vacuolar cation exchangers in leaf development. University of Potsdam, VaTEP Kick-Off Meeting, November 23-24, 2006, Potsdam, Germany.
  • Fellnerová I*, Roleík J, Matalová E, Stonová D, Fellner M (2006) Animované multimediální programy ve výuce biologických disciplín, Pedagogický software 2006, 7.-8. Června, 2006, České Budijovice, Česká republika.
  • Van Volkenburgh E*, Fellner M, Ford E David (2006) Role of auxin signaling in communication among maize plants, May 21-26, 2006, Beijing, China.
  • Fellner M, Van Volkenburgh* E, Ford E David (2004) Physiological mechanism of density stress tolerance in corn (Zea mays). Keystone Symposia: Plant Responses to Abiotic Stress (C2), February 19-24, 2004, Santa Fe, NM, USA.
  • Fellner M* (2002) A role of blue light in plant tolerance to osmotic stress. The Blue Light Syndrome IV – International Meeting on UV/Blue Light: Perception and Responses in Plants and Microorganisms, December 16-18, 2002 Okazaki, Japan, Symposium S4-3 (cancelled; not presented).
  • Fellner M*, Horton LA, Cocke AE, Stephens NR, Ford ED, Van Volkenburgh E (2002) Interaction of light and auxin with formation of leaf angle in corn. Plant Biology 2002, August 3-7, Denver, CO, USA, p. 115
  • Sawhney VK*, Fellner M (2002) Male sterile mutant in tomato shows blue light-specific hypersensitivity to ABA and resistance to abiotic stresses – XXVIth International Horticultural Congress, August 11-17, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  • Sawhney V K*, Fellner M (2002) Male sterility and abiotic stress resistance in a tomato mutant – XVIIth International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, July 9-13, Lublin, Poland.
  • Fellner M* (2001) Mechanism of shade tolerance in modern corn hybrids. Plant Photobiology – 19th Annual Missouri Symposium, May 30 – June 2, Columbia, MO, USA, p. 66
  • Fellner M*, Sawhney VK (1999) Abscisic acid-supersensitive tomato mutant 7B-1 shows light-dependent increased sensitivity to ethylene. Plant Biology Canada ‘99, June 19-23, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
  • Fellner M*, Sawhney VK (1998) Supersensitivity to ABA and resistance to GA3 and tetcyclasis of tomato mutant 7B-1 suggest a possible involvement of gibberellins in photoperiod regulated male sterility in tomato. XVth International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, August 16 - 21, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  • Fellner M*, Sawhney VP (1998) Morphological and physiological characterization of a photoperiod-sensitive male sterile tomato line 7B-1. Annual Meetings of the Canadian Botanical Association / L’Association Botanique du Canada, June 27 - July 1, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
  • Fellner M, Vannini C, Guern J, Barbier-Brygoo H, Ephritikhine G* (1996) Characterization of auxin-responsive mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana. Biotech Meeting, April 22-24, UWA Aberystwyth, UK.
  • Fellner M, Binarova P, Lebeda A* (1996) Isolation and fusion of Cucumis sativus and Cucumis melo protoplasts. In: Gomez-Guillamon ML, Soria C, Cuartero J, Tores JA, Fernandez-Munoz R (eds.) Cucurbits towards 2000. Proceedings of the VIth Eucarpia Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding, May 28 - 30, Malaga, Spain, pp. 202 - 209.
  • Lebeda A*, Kristkova E, Prasil J, Dolezel J, Dolezal K, Fellner M, Kubalakova M, Vagera J, Kozelska S (1994) Application of biotechnological and phytopathological methods in breeding of cucurbit vegetables. In: Griga M, Dostal J (eds.) Proceedings from seminar on application of biotechnological methods. Research Institute of Ornamental Plants, January 19 - 20, Pruhonice, Czech Republic, pp. 52-59.
  • Barbier-Brygoo H*, Ephritikhine G, Fellner M, Leblanc N, Maurel C, Pradier J-M, Rechenmann C, Sitbon F, Thomine S, Zimmermann S, Guern J (1993) Auxin perception by plant cells: which receptors for which responses? Satelite Meeting of XV International Botanical Congress, September 6 -7, Tsukuba, Japan.
  • Barbier-Brygoo H*, Ephritikhine G, Fellner M, Leblanc N, Maurel C, Pradier J-M, Rechenmann C, Sitbon F, Thomine S, Zimmermann S, Guern J (1993) Auxin perception by plant cells : which receptors for which responses? XV International Botanical Congress, August 28 - September 3, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Barbier-Brygoo H*, Ephritikhine G, Fellner M, Leblanc N, Maurel C, Pradier J-M, Rechenmann C, Sitbon F, Thomine S, Zimmermann S, Guern J (1993) La perception de signal hormonal auxine par les cellules vegetales: quels recepteurs pour quelles reponses? XXIVem Rencontre de Meribel sur la differenciation cellulaire, Les Arcs, France.
  • Binarova P*, Fellner M, Novotny F, Nedelnik J (1988) Selekce in vitro v embryogenni bunecne kulture vojtesky. Sbornik BIOS 1988: “In vitro selection in embryogenic cell culture of alfalfa Medicago sativa”. VSP Nitra 1988, pp. 120-125.

Poster presentation (by person indicated with * )

  • Bublavá P* and Fellner M (2023) Crosstalk between light and ABA signaling pathways in plant responses to abiotic stresses. Methods in Plant Sciences, September 24-27, 2023, Srní, Czech Republic.
  • Bublavá P*, Fellner M (2022) Interaction of light and ABA signaling in plant responses to abiotic stress. Trends in Natural Products Research: A PSE Young Scientists‘ Meeting. May 23-26, 2022, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece).
  • Závorková N*, Fellner M (2022) ABA and blue light signaling in shoots and roots in responses to drought stress.Trends in Natural Products Research: A PSE Young Scientists‘ Meeting. May 23-26, 2022, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece).
  • Šimurová P*, Turečková V, Strnad M, Fellner M (2018) Effect of blue light signaling on ABA in germinating seeds. 30th International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products, November 25-29, 2018, Athens, Greece.
  • Pokorná P, Turečková V, Strnad M, Fellner M* (2018) Interaction between blue light and ABA during tomato seed germination. VISCEA, Plant Physiology & Biochemistry, July 9-10, 2018, Vienna, Austria.
  • Pokorná P*, Fellner M, Turečková V, Strnad M (2017) Cross-talk between blue light and ABA signalling during seed germination. Green for Good IV: Biotechnology of Plant Products, June 19 - 22, Olomouc, Czech Republic.
  • Pokorná P*, Fellner M, Turečková V, Strnad M (2017) Cross-talk between blue light and ABA signalling during seed germination. International CEPLAS SummerSchool 2017 - EmergingFrontiers in Plant Sciences, June 5 - 9, SportschuleHennef, Germany.
  • Montagová H, Žukauskaité A*, Fellner M, Doležal K, Strnad M (2016) Novel abscisic acid analogues: Synthesis and Biological aktivity. Balticum Organicum Syntheticum, July3-6, 2016, Riga, Latvia
  • Balarynová J*, Lenobel R, Fellner M (2015) Expression of dehydrins in tomato seeds which are less sensitive to abiotic stresses. EMBO Conference – Signalling in Plant Development. September 20-24, Brno, Czech Republic
  • Omidvar V*, Fellner M (2015) miRNAs and male-sterility regulation in 7B-1 tomato mutant. FEBS Workshop on Plant Organellar Signaling, September 16-21, Primošten, Croatia
  • Malichová I*, Plotzová R, Fellner M (2015) Role of auxin-binding proteins ABP1 and ABP4 in regulation of PIN proteins in maize Zea mays L. 3rd International Symposium on Plant Signaling and Behavior. June 29 – July 2, Paris, France
  • Omidvar V*, Fellner M (2014) miRNAs and male-sterility regulation in 7B-1 tomato mutant. EMBO | EMBL Symposia 2014 - The Complex Life of mRNA. October 5 – 8, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
  • Humplík J*, Bergougnoux V, Jandová M, Šimura J, Novák O, Pěnčík A, Rolčík J, Fellner M (2014) The endogenous ABA promotes hypokotyl growth of etiolated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) seedlings. ACPD International Symposium 2014, June 29 – July 4, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Balarynová J*, Fellner M (2013) Role of PIP1 and BURP genes in seed germination responses to osmotic stress and blue light. 7th EPSO Conference, September 1-5, Porto Heli, Greece
  • Bořucká J*, Svoboda Z, Nováková S, Fellner M (2013) Regulators of cell wall synthesis PRC1 and RSW1 are involved in boron transport in Arabidopsis thaliana. 7th EPSO Conference, September 1-5, Porto Heli, Greece
  • Balarynová J*, Fellner M (2013) Effect of mercury on plasma membrane aquaporins during tomato seed germination and post-germination. European Biotechnology Congress 2013, May 16-18, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Hloušková P*, Stoees Š, Bořucká J, Karlická M, Fellner M (2013) COP1 is a mediator of cross-talk between boron and auxin controlling hypocotyl elongation in Arabidopsis. European Biotechnology Congress 2013, May 16-18, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Humplík JF*, Bergougnoux V, Pěnčík A, Rolčík J, Fellner M (2012) Stimulatory effect of abscisic acid in the early development of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) seedlings. Plant Biology Congress Freiburg 2012, July 29-August 3, Freiburg, Germany
  • Hlavinka J, Leonhardt N, Vavasseur A, Nauš J, Fellner M* (2012) Spontaneous mutation 7B-1 in tomato impairs blue light-induced stomatal opening. Plant Biology 2012, July 20-24, Austin, TX, USA, poster no. P27009
  • Hloušková P, Bořucká J, Fellner M* (2012) The mutants cop1 and ztl1 in Arabidopsis have defects in boron-induced stimulation of hypocotyl elongation. Plant Biology 2012, July 20-24, Austin, TX, USA, poster no. P29004
  • Bergougnoux V*, Zalabák D, Novák O, Fellner M (2012) Cytokinins in the blue light-induced de-etiolation of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.): is iP the principal actor? 2nd meeting on Metabolism, Signaling and Function of Cytokinin, July 8-10, Berlin, Germany
  • Bořucká J*, Fellner M (2011) Auxin receptors ABPs and phytochromes interact in maize (Zea mays L.) growth. European Biotechnology Congress 2011, September 28-October 1, Istanbul, Turkey, p.S77
  • Bergougnoux V*, Zalabák D, Jandová M, Novák O, Fellner M (2011) The use of the 7B-1 and cry1 mutants unraveled a specific involvement of the cytokinin iP during blue-light de-etiolation in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L). XXIV SPPS Congress, August 21-25, Stavanger, Norway
  • Humplík J*, Balarynová J, Bergougnoux V, Fellner M (2011) Effect of different anion channel inhibitors on the germination of the 7B-1, a tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L) mutant defective in BL signaling. XXIV SPPS Congress, August 21-25, Stavanger, Norway
  • Balarynová J*, Humplík J, Kadlecová A, Preina M, Fellner M (2011) Involvement of aquaporins in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L) seed germination under various light conditions. Plant Biology 2011, August 6-11, Minneapolis, USA, Poster no. P06011
  • Svoboda Z, Kocábek T, Nováková S, Bořucká J, Fellner M* (2011) Cell wall mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana show light-dependent changes in boron-induced growth. Plant Biology 2011, August 6-11, Minneapolis, USA, Poster no. P12005
  • Bořucká J*, Fellner M (2011) Auxin binding proteins ABP1 and ABP4 are involved in the light-and/or auxin-induced down-regulation of PHYB and PHYA in maize (Zea mays L.) mesocotyls. Plant Biology 2011, August 6-11, Minneapolis, USA, Poster no. P16006
  • Stoees Š, Karlická M, Fellner M* (2011) Boron reduces hypocotyl responsiveness to exogenous auxins in Arabidopsis seedlings. Plant Biology 2011, August 6-11, Minneapolis, USA, Poster no. P16007
  • Jurišia-Knežev D, Bergougnoux V, Milde D, Fellner M* (2011) Cross-talk between newly identified cation antiporter ZCAX3 and ABP4 during growth of etiolated maize seedlings (Zea mays L.). Plant Biology 2011, August 6-11, Minneapolis, USA, Poster no. P16008
  • Jurišia-Knežev D*, Čudejková M, Pěnčík A, Rolčík J, Bergougnoux V, Fellner M (2010) The Crosstalk Between Auxin, Auxin-Binding Proteins and Light in Maize Plant Development. 20th International Conference on Plant Growth Substances, June 28-July 2, Tarragona, Spain.
  • Milde D*, Cieslarová P, Fellner M (2010) Možnosti stanovení boru v rostlinném materiálu absorpeními metodami. 14. eesko-slovenská spektroskopická konference, 31.5.-3.6. 2010, Litomyšl, Eeská republika
  • Jurišia-Knežev D*, Čudejková M, Pěnčík A, Rolčík J, Bergougnoux V, Fellner M (2010) Auxin-binding proteins-roles in maize development. Regulation of Plant Growth – from Cells to Organs to Organisms, April 12-14, Potsdam, Germany
  • Jurišia-Knežev D*, Čudejková M, Pěnčík A, Rolčík J, Bergougnoux V, Fellner M (2009) Role of auxin, auxin-binding proteins and light in the development of maize seedlings. Auxins and Cytokinins in Plant Development, July 10-14, Praha, Czech Republic
  • Jurišia-Knežev D*, Čudejková M, Pěnčík A, Rolčík J, Bergougnoux V, Fellner M (2009) Role of auxin, auxin-binding proteins and light in the development of maize seedlings. 5th International Symposium on Plant Neurobiology, May 25-29, Florence, Italy
  • Fellner M*, Čudejková M, Jurišia-Knežev D, Plotzová R, Pěnčík A, Rolčík J, Bořucká J, Vaclová T, Oehulka J, Zalabák D, Bergougnoux V (2009) Light alters plant elongation responses to auxin. 5th International Symposium on Plant Neurobiology, May 25-29, Florence, Italy
  • Fellner M*, Plotzová R, Bořucká J, Vaclová T, Oehulka J, Zalabák D, Hlobilová M (2009) Light alters plant elongation responses to exogenous auxin. Auxins and Cytokinins in Plant Development, July 10-14, Praha, Czech Republic
  • Čudejková M, Pěnčík A, Rolčík J, Fellner M* (2009) Involvement of auxin-binding proteins and auxin in response of maize seedling to blue light. 5th International Symposium on Plant Neurobiology, May 25-29, Florence, Italy
  • Čudejková M*, Pěnčík A, Rolčík J, Fellner M (2009) Involvement of auxin-binding proteins and auxin in response of maize seedling to blue light. Auxins and Cytokinins in Plant Development, July 10-14, Praha, Czech Republic
  • Bergougnoux V*, Plotzová R, Fellner M (2009) Investigation of BL-mediated de-etiolation in the spontaneous 7B-1 mutant in tomato. 5th International Symposium on Plant Neurobiology, May 25-29, Florence, Italy
  • Piterková J*, Moricová P, Luhová L, Petřivalský M, Fellner M (2009) The relationship between NO production and plant hormone GA during germination and growth of tomato exposed to osmotic stress. Annual Main Meeting 2009, June 28-July 1, Glasgow, UK
  • Piterková J*, Moricová P, Luhová L, Petřivalský M, Fellner M (2009) The relationship between NO production and plant hormone GA during germination and growth of tomato exposed to osmotic stress. XIII. Setkání biochemiku a molekulárních biologu, 14. - 15. dubna, Brno, Eeská republika
  • Jurišia-Knežev D*, Čudejková M, Pěnčík A, Rolčík J, Bergougnoux V, Fellner M (2009) The effects of ABP mutations on maize development. 13th School of Pure and Applied Biophysics, January 26-30, Venice, Italy
  • Jurišia-Knežev D*, Čudejková M, Bergougnoux V, Fellner M (2008) Role of auxin, auxin-binding proteins and light in development of maize seedlings. 16th Congress of the FESPB, August 17-22, Tampere, Finland
  • Bergougnoux V*, Plotzová R, Fellner M (2008) Investigation of BL-mediated de-etiolation in the spontaneous 7B-1 tomato mutant. 25th Annual Missouri Plant Biology Symposium-International Plant Photobiology Meeting, May 28 - June 1, Columbia, MO, USA, p. 104.
  • Fellner M*, Pospíšilová K, Plotzová R, Zaoralová J, Dvooáková B, Chmelaoová A (2008) Role of ion and water channels in blue light-specific tolerance of seed germination to osmotic stress-Putative function of 7B-1. 25th Annual Missouri Plant Biology Symposium-International Plant Photobiology Meeting, May 28 - June 1, Columbia, MO, USA, p. 122.
  • Fellner M*, Plotzová R, Pospíšilová K (2008) Anion channels can play a role in blue light-specific tolerance of seed germination to osmotic stress. Vliv abiotických a biotických stresoru na vlastnosti rostlin 2008, 12.-13. 2., EZU Praha, Eeská republika.
  • Svoboda Z*, Kocábek T*, Fellner M (2008) Defects in light receptors and cell wall synthesis affect boron-regulated growth of Arabidopsis seedlings. Vliv abiotických a biotických stresoru na vlastnosti rostlin 2008, 12.-13. 2., EZU Praha, Eeská republika.
  • Bergougnoux V*, Fellner M (2008) Susceptibility of a spontaneous tomato mutant to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato. Vliv abiotických a biotických stresoru na vlastnosti rostlin 2008, 12.-13. 2., EZU Praha, Eeská republika.
  • Kocábek T*, Svoboda Z, Fellner M (2007) Defects in light receptors and cell wall synthesis affect boron-regulated growth in Arabidopsis seedlings. 11. Dny fyziologie rostlin, 9 -12. eervence, UP v Olomouci, Olomouc, Eeská republika, p.101.
  • Čudejková M*, Zalabák D, Humplík J, Pěnčík A, Rolčík J, Van Volkenburgh E, Fellner M (2007) Physiological basis for altered responsiveness to auxin and light in modern corn hybrids - role of auxin-binding proteins. 11. Dny fyziologie rostlin, 9 -12. eervence, UP v Olomouci, Olomouc, Eeská republika, p.83.
  • Hofman J*, Luhová L, Piterková J, Petovalský M, Fellner M (2007) Úloha NO poi klíeení mutanta 7B-1 Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. V podmínkách osmotického stresu. 11. Dny fyziologie rostlin, 9 -12. eervence, UP v Olomouci, Olomouc, Eeská republika.
  • Svoboda Z*, Kocábek T, Fellner M (2007) Defects in light receptors affect boron-regulated growth in Arabidopsis seedlings. 3rd International Symposium on Plant Neurobiology, May 14-18, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia.
  • Čudejková M*, Zalabák D, Humplík J, Pěnčík A, Rolčík J, Van Volkenburgh E, Fellner M (2007) Physiological basis for altered responsiveness to auxin and light in modern corn hybrids - role of auxin-binding proteins. 3rd International Symposium on Plant Neurobiology, May 14-18, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia.
  • Fellner M*, Čermáková K, Sagot E, Ossipova E, Zaoralová J, Hloušková R, Pospíšilová K, Hlaváeková V, Novák O (2007) Possible interaction between blue light and anion and/or water channels during plant responses to abiotic stresses. 3rd International Symposium on Plant Neurobiology, May 14-18, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia.
  • Kocábek T*, Fellner M, Svoboda Z, Rolfe S, Al-Zwi AM (2005) The impact of elevated boron on the
    development of Arabidopsis thaliana. In: Abstr. 6th Symp. Ser. Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology, From Laboratory to Business, Institute of Plant Molecular Biology Eeské Budijovice, Czech Republic, 12. - 16. 9. 2005, pp. 45.
  • Fellner M*, Xu, H, Ford ED, Van Volkenburgh E (2005) Reduced responsiveness to auxin and light of a modern maize hybrid is associated with reduced expression of ABP4. Plant Biology 2005, July 16-20, Seattle, WA, USA.
  • Fellner M*, Xu, H, Ford ED, Van Volkenburgh E (2005) Does ABP4 integrate the auxin and light signaling pathways in corn seedlings? 2nd International Symposium Auxins and Cytokinins in Plant Development, July 7-12, Prague, Czech Republic (abstract no P3-3) (Biologia Plantarum 49 (Suppl.), p. S18, 2005 )
  • Fellner M, Ford E, David, Wojcik D A, Van Volkenburgh* E (2004) Physiological mechanism of density stress tolerance in corn (Zea mays). Keystone Symposia: Plant Responses to Abiotic Stress (C2), February 19-24, 2004, Santa Fe, NM, USA
  • Fellner M*, Horton LA, Cocke AE, Stephens NR, Ford ED, Van Volkenburgh E (2002) Interaction of light and auxin with formation of leaf angle in corn. Plant Biology 2002, August 3-7, Denver, CO, USA, p. 115 (abstract no. 463).
  • Sheoran IS*, Fellner M, Sawhney VK (2002) Biochemical analysis of a differential germination response to osmotic stresses under blue light in a male-sterile tomato mutant – Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Plant Physiologists, June 8-12, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  • Fellner M*, Horton L, Cocke A, Stephens N, Ford ED, Van Volkenburgh E (2002) Tolerance of neighbor proximity in corn may involve light- and auxin-regulated development of leaf angle. 44th Annual Maize Genetics Conference, March 14-17, Orlando-Kissimmee, FL, USA (abstract no. 43)
  • Fellner M*, Cocke A, Horton L, Ford ED, Cohen JD, Van Volkenburgh E (2001) Reduced growth responses to red and far-red light in corn plants are associated with ability to maintain productivity in dense plantings. Plant Biology 2001, July 21-25, Providence, RI, USA, p. 79 (abstract no. 309)
  • Fellner M*, Cocke A, Horton L, Ford ED, Cohen JD, Van Volkenburgh E (2001) Possible involvement of light and auxin in plant-plant interaction. 60th Annual Meeting of Society for Developmental Biology, University of Washington, July 18-22, Seattle, WA, USA, p. 271 (abstract no. 457) (Developmental Biology 235: 271)
  • Fellner M*, Horton L, Cocke A, Ford ED, Cohen JD, Van Volkenburgh E (2001) Mechanism of shade tolerance in modern corn hybrids. Plant Photobiology – 19th Annual Missouri Symposium, May 30 – June 2, Columbia, MO, p. 87 (abstract no. 1-7)
  • Stephens N*, Fellner M, Van Volkenburgh E (2001) Identification of physiological traits responsible for increased yield in modern corn hybrids. 4th Annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium, May 4, Seattle, WA, USA
  • Forbes J*, Fellner M, Van Volkenburgh E (2000) Physiological differences between 1930’s and 1990’s corn associated with productivity. The Howard Hughes Undergraduate Research Poster Session, University of Washington, Health Science Department, August 16, Seattle, WA, USA
  • Fellner M*, Sawhney VK (2000) Blue light may play a role in tolerance of tomato seed germination to osmotic stress. Plant Biology 2000, July 15-19, San Diego, CA, USA p 96.
  • Fellner M*, Sawhney VK (1999) Elongated tomato mutant expresses resistance to GA- and ABA-biosynthesis inhibitors and increased responsiveness to ABA and ethylene precursor ACC. Plant Biology ‘99, July 24-29, Baltimore, MD, USA poster no. 730.
  • Ephritikhine G*, Fellner M, Vannini C, Barbier-Brygoo H, Guern J (1995) An Arabidopsis mutant hypersensitive to auxins. C.N.R.S. - Conference Jacques Monod “Signal transduction during plant embryogenesis and early development”, May 29 - June 2, Aussois, France.
  • Thomine S, Fellner M, Vannini C, Zimmermann S, Ephritikhine G, Barbier-Brygoo H*, Guern J (1995) Auxin perception at the plasma membrane of Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings : scientific report of the project number PL 920175. BIOTECH Meeting Abstracts PTP, May 11, Montpellier, France.
  • Fellner M* (1994) Influence of ciprofloxacin on culture of Allium longicuspis callus-derived protoplasts. Abstracts 8th International Congress of Plant Tissue and Cell Culture, June 12 -17, Firenze, Italy, poster S1/107.
  • Binarova P*, Fellner M, Kubalakova M (1994) Somatic embryogenesis and protoplast culture of Cucumis sativus. VUOZ Pruhonice. Proceedings of the Conference on Research Projects: “R 309-103 Biotechnology-research application in plant breeding” and “Z 660 Experimental methods in improvement of cultivated plants”
  • Fellner M*, Havranek P (1991) Isolation of Allium pollen protoplasts. Abstracts 8th International Protoplast Symposium, Sweden, June 16 - 20, Uppsala, Sweden (Physiologia Plantarum 82: A7).
  • Fellner M*, Havranek P (1990) Izolace protoplastu z pylovych zrn druhu rodu Allium. Sbornik z celostatni konference “Manipulace in vitro u vyssich rostlin”, 13. - 16. listopadu, Olomouc, Ceska Republika, p. 91.
  • Fellner M*, Fellnerova I, Havranek P (1990) Izolace a kultivace protoplastu z listu cesneku Allium sativum a A. longicuspis. Sbornik z celostatni konference “Manipulace in vitro u vyssich rostlin”, 13. - 16. listopadu, Olomouc, Ceska Republika, p. 90.
Original design
MARTIN FELLNER, Laboratory of Growth Regulators Modified: December 09, 2022

Universitas Palackianae Institute of Experimental Botany AS CR